Thursday, January 9, 2025

Some user ask, "Should I turn off the konNET network switch when not in use?" 

Our short answer is NO (whenever possible). 

The #konNET series are clocked by an OCXO (oven controlled crystal oscillator) which has a heater (oven) inside to keep the crystal's specified working temperature. It takes time for both the temperature and crystal to reach a stable condition. You may also wonder if we keep the clock running, what about aging problem of the crystal? If you start-stop (on-off) the crystal too much, it will age even quicker. 



Friday, April 26, 2019

Munich HighEnd

come visit us at Atrium 4 Room F231e

see you.

Monday, November 4, 2013

we are moving

we are now moving to a new workshop and some photos here might disappear for a while.

stay tuned and they will be back soon.

Friday, April 5, 2013

CuBox vs Alix

both system running linux and mpd.  

CuBox is ARM based while Alix is using x86 (AMD).

which one do you prefer?

Thursday, April 4, 2013

User gallery

another beautifully made DSD dac (Norway).

output caps changed to Auricap and result is positive,

"Just replaced the output caps. Must say, the sound seems to even more pleasant! ... As I write this, I am very impressed!"

btw, the chassis is an eye candy .....  :-)